
Some of you have heard of Wowcher and some have not. That company that lingers in the shadows of Groupon, the copy cat, the imitator. Groupon has always been the bigger company with a bigger audience with sites around the world. Wowcher has only stretched its legs in the UK. Now saying all this, Groupon will no longer be selling physical products and only focus on selling experiences and services. This gives Wowcher the platform to focus in and harness on those Groupon customers to switch over and buy from them. As Groupon customers will need to find a new place to buy and want to buy into a deal based marketplace. This will transform Wowcher’s market share. This allows a bigger client base for sellers to sell to and increase sales volume which ultimately benefits the seller.

Some argue that Wowcher does not offer a bargain and it can be bought cheaper elsewhere. You will find with any established marketplace that not all products are the cheapest, however you will find along with any other brand is customer brand loyalty. People will pay over the odds on Amazon knowingly or unknowingly because they know what service to expect and get comfortable with that and would be happy to pay a little extra for the product.

Looking at this as an outsider this may seem biased as we are a marketplace agency and work with clients to get them on Wowcher, however any brand that adds value or a service to its customers will always be worth working with as they have created a brand not just to sell to its customer but actually offer them an experience. In Wowcher’s case they offer an experience and the deals provide the customer with value.

For a seller, Wowcher provides a dedicated account manager who will liaise with you on existing deals, what products are working or not and also products to look into. The platform is easy to use and getting deals on is a simple process.

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